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Water as being, being a transparent perceptive medium that allows one to see inside or outside; it is a translucent vessel for the imagination.

This project was developed in Canada, on Lake Ontario. 


After the storm, calm comes. 

 The images of matter as Gaston Bachelard calls the images of the poetics of imagination in the poetics of space. 

"Water, being subtle 

You host the look 

you transform and move agile

you solidify the waves

 you make time visible 

medium translucent 

to drop 

and to start again"

Year: 2023

Melissa Gallego Quiroz.jpg
Melissa Gallego.jpg

Niigaani-gichigami is the name that receives 

lake ontario in Ojibwe language - Anishinaabemowin, ᐊᓂᐦᔑᓈᐯᒧᐎᓐ

The native Canadian Ojibway people have a strong relationship with water 

as spirit. 

Finding myself on this sacred land, I wanted to pay homage to the spirit of water.

In Niigaani-gichigami, I approached the blizzard, 

and I lived his strength. 

The next day calm came  and the shapes of the spirit were visible

in the frozen medium 

on the rocks.

There the ethereal and the tangible kissed

Remembering the current of the vital flow.


After the storm, calm comes. 

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